Who are you now? Who are you becoming?
Empowering questions to answer as each new year begins. We all get caught up in the little stuff... a little too much... a little too often. Rarely do we find the time to ask ourselves the big, life-changing question: What do I want to accomplish while I am here... how will I be remembered for who I've been? Yes, the old cliche is true—this is the first day of the rest of your life. What do you want to achieve this year... accomplishments that may have eluded you in the past? Take a moment to capture your fleeting dreams in ink... to move them from your heart and head... and onto this page. This is the first step towards achieving your hopes and dreams. My Someday Dreams: Someday I will go to _________________ Someday I will learn to ________________ Someday I will make __________________ Someday I will give __________________ Someday I will build __________________ Someday I will earn __________________ New web sites and telephone number for us: www.602ORGANIZE.com www.602-ORGANIZE.com 602-organize = 602-674-2649 Happy New Year From the Organize-U Staff www.organize-u.com Find anything within seconds using creative, efficient solutions.™ P. O. Box 16283 Phoenix, AZ 85011 By the way, when you refer a new client to us, we will pay you $50.00 or current clients may receive an additional hour of organizing or time management coaching! You may unsubscribe by sending a reply e-mail with the words unsubscribe and your e-mail address in the subject.