If you would describe a particular problem you've encountered, we can
try to help you with it.

On 12/24/06, Eng. Mina Ramses <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Regarding packaging libxsd-java ,
what's regarding the license ??!!


The problem is when I tried to package it, I found that the license
was a Sun Binary License which is not compatible with DFSG (it's not
free for Debian). I asked the author and he claimed it's under BSD
which is OK for Debian.

I did not investigate no more, but it's not suffisiant that the author
claim it's BSD, there must be a LICENSE file in the projet and the
java source must be commented with the BSD license.

i was asking what are the restrictions to package it ,
The needs to package it are still there ? at the time that there is a
and it's also closed.
Sorry if it's not you whom is concern with this mail.

Well ;-) I'm concerned but I don't have mutch time dedicated to Debian
at the moment. I hope it'll change in a near futur;-)

If you are interresting in helping us to package java things, you can
subscribe to debian-java@lists.debian.org and try to send patches to
the BTS regarding Debian Java packages


On 12/28/06, Daniel Baumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Eng. Mina Ramses wrote:
> Firstly, I'm asking if the Java requested packages are always in the
> requested packages corner, or is there a place for these packages ?

We do not make any difference on packaging requests whetever their
source code is in Java or not. All requests are on the same place.

> Secondly, I'm still confused to select a package to start work on it at
> the time of the license posturing, i.e., of some packages not clear
> following which license .

If you would describe a particular problem you've encountered, we can
try to help you with it.

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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|Mina r. Fahmy|
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Linux Network Consultant member
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