On Mon, 11 Dec 2006 16:18:30 +0100 "François Févotte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Unless I misunderstood your problem, you could for exemple try something like: > # Relative path > BUILDDIR=debian/php-java-bridge > # Absolute path > DESTDIR = ${CURDIR}/${BUILDDIR} > # ./configure requires the absolute path > ./configure --prefix=${DESTDIR} Sorry for butting in, but that seems unwise: AFAIK, the "--prefix" string's purpose is to tell where the software will be installed on the user's machine. Some paths may get hardcoded into your software, and you'll be sad if your binary ends up looking for icons or the like in /home/me/debian/whatever. I believe the Right Thing (TM) to do is ./configure --prefix=/usr make DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) make install Might be wrong though, and if the software doesn't use helper files it doesn't matter anyway. > # dh_install uses the relative path > dh_install ${BUILDDIR}/$(PHP_EXT_DIR)/JavaBridge.war var/lib/tomcat5/webapps Regards, Thibaut.