Hi Warren,

some further notes (as an addition to my previous written notes), as i
actually figured to get it built (pooh, was some work).

In my other mail i told you that i think it is bad to use a pre-beta.
Now that i got this package to compile my impression is hardened because
while compiling there do occur about several hundred of warnings. Okay,
but i commit, that i don't know if a stable release of netcdf is
building cleaner. Also build process is taking a *very* long time, but
thats because of CDBS.

 * You miss some build-deps. The build process does use texi2dvi while
building, which is in package texinfo. Also you need to build-depend on
tex because texi2dvi does not work without a running tex installation.

Version of your package results in a lintian warning, because your
version string is not like it should be in Debian. Your version should
be foo-x.x.x (another .x is for NMUs).

Best Regards


Warren Turkal wrote:
> Debian Mentors,
> I have worked tonight to produce new netcdf packages for the NetCDF 
> libraries. 
> They are located at [1]. I would like some feedback on them. They are based 
> on cdbs.  [2] is a link to a WNPP bug about this package. I would like to 
> adopt the package, if possible.
> Thanks,
> wt
> [1]http://www.penguintechs.org/~wt/debian/netcdf/
> [2]http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=321336

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