Le samedi 25 novembre 2006 à 16:49 +0100, Daniel Baumann a écrit :
> Frédéric Brin wrote:
> > I've built updated packages of bmpx. This packages now uses cdbs and 
> > correct the three bugs for bmpx on the bug database.
> > I also plan to include the firefox plugin in a next release. I currently 
> > have no news from the current maintainer.
> I'm the sponsor for bmpx. Thierry, the maintainer of bmpx, is not MIA.
> Therefore, you should send patches to him instead of repackging bmpx.

I sent a mail to Thierry this week, but had no answer from him. Well I
will try to get in touch with him again. Is the address randrianiriana
at gmail.com still ok ?

> > I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for 
> Even if the maintainer would be MIA, the package would need to be
> orphaned before when not fixing release-critical bugs. Everything else
> is considered abusive.

Sorry about this :( I just wanted to give some help.

> -- 
> Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
> Email:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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