Il giorno Fri, 22 Sep 2006 22:36:52 +1000
Kel Modderman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:

> I would like to see it maintained at least collectively, as we have
> the gpsca rewrite coming up, that will take a team effort to prepare
> imho.
> There are currently three different packaging efforts existing, we
> need to decide on the way forward. Any ideas on how to proceed?
> There is an existing alioth project, with SVN + mailing list. Should
> we build upon that effort and lobby Otavio with hard work?

I've contacted Adam for merging our work. I'm waiting news about that..

> Thanks, Kel.

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 ho capito che spesso tutti sono convinti che una cosa sia impossibile,
 finche' arriva uno sprovveduto che non lo sa e la realizza."
                                 Albert Einstein

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