On Tuesday 19 September 2006 03:44, James Westby wrote:

> Hi, I can't sponsor as I am not a DD, but I have some comments,
>   * I don't think the package should be Debian native.

Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. Could you please explain what you 

>   * The debian/copyright file needs to include an actual license header
>     from the package, but there are none. Could you ask the upstream
>     author to add copyright statements and license headers to his files?


>   * There is also an aspell in the package, is it capable of creating an
>     dictionary for aspell. If so do you not want to package that as
>     well?

There is an aspell-uz package for Debian which is made out of tarball author 
of Aspell distributes through ftp.gnu.org/gnu/aspell/dict

In fact, I'm an author of uzbek-wordlist, but I don't distribute tarball for 
Aspell dictionary. However, for the next release I plan to package aspell-uz 
from the uzbek-wordlist tarball.

Mashrab Kuvatov
PGP key: www.uni-bremen.de/~kmashrab/kmashrab.asc

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