> Hello Acid0,
> How does pag compare to pwgen (http://sourceforge.net/projects/pwgen/)?
> Cheers,
> tony

Hi Tony,

yes, i tested pwgen in thought the same. Pwgen has no option to create a 
list and you cant set the length of the password(s). My program has more options
i would say. I cant even move the output from pwgen to a file with a pipe, or 
i was to stupid to do so. pwgen generates a list of passwords on the screen 
with a
given length but you cant set the length of this passwords and also not how many
passwords you want. More information about my program pagen you can find on 
the project site ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/pagen )

Like said, my project has more options, you can set everything and it can also 
a password file with x passwords , so how many passwords you want.

Best Greetings,

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