On Sun, 17 Sep 2006 19:19:09 +0900, Charles Plessy wrote:

> I am working on a package which contains MSWord documents. I was wondering
> the following questions:
> 1) How can I know if they are redistributable at all, for instance if
> they contain non-free fonts? 

TTBOMK MS Office files don't contain any fonts (that's why they often look
suboptimal if used on a machine where the referenced fonts are

Regarding redistribution: Are there any licence hints in the source?

> 2) There are simple text versions of those documents, but they have many
> pages, so I was considering to convert them to PDF or HTML. However, the
> converter which gives the nicest results in my hands is openoffice. Is
> ther a way to run it from the command line? 

`man openoffice' suggests "-headless" but I'm not sure how to

Are you sure that txt2html or text2pdf are not sufficient?

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