Hello again,

since Dan Anders is not more responding since over 6 month and he has
written in the TODO to add db and SQL support, I want to try to add it.

Since it would not be a "Simpel Whois Daemon" anymore I am thinking of
renaming it after geting rid of the RCS stuff.

Also I am thinking to change the databasefile from /etc/swhoisd.conf to
/var/lib/swhoisd/cache because the data IS dynamic and many Server users
mounting / with /etc readonly.

After this I want to use /etc/swhoisd.conf as a regular config file,

Also I was thinking about, HOW to include db4, postgresql and mysql.

I like to here some suggestions from you and HOW to start it.

Note 1: If I fork swhoisd entirely and rename it, I want to use
        "tdwhoisd" since I have named al my Tools and programs td*
        (TD = my iranien/turkish birth name = Tamay Dogan)

Note 2: Since mentors.debian.net do not more wotk with scp, only sftp
        I have problems... my sftp crash on my Toshiba t1950ct always.
        (Today I will try to create a new account on it und upload the
        current swhoisd_3.0.5 files)

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

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