On Wed, Aug 09, 2006 at 02:32:19AM IST, Conall O'Brien 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> incoherently babbled:

> I've rebuild my package now (and it seems to be 3.7.2 complient). I've
> uploaded it to mentors.debian.net again. Hopefully the updated packages
> will be moved from incoming/ to the pool soon.

Hmmm, it ended up in the pool quite quickly.

I tried to do your dget -x test and I'm seeing the same diff error,
despite creating a new build environent on a new host and only keeping
the debian/ directory.

I wonder if the problem is connected to my usage of debuild to do


Conall O'Brien

+353 (0)1 6535148 | sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 


"Memory is like an orgasm. It's a lot better if you don't have to fake 

                - Seymore Cray, on virtual memory.

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