Am Montag, 3. Juli 2006 23:33 schrieb Justin Pryzby:
> On Mon, Jul 03, 2006 at 02:43:50PM -0500, Carlo Segre wrote:
> > I am trying to use xvfb-run to permit pbuilder to build some packages 
> > which need to connect to X.
> If you're aiming to get the package uploaded, this isn't allowed.  You
> can't assume an X11 environment, or a network connection, or any such
> thing.

That's exactly why you use xvfb-run in this case because it provides a virtual 

No "normal" X required.

This *is* allowed per policy; I don't see where it is not and for that matter I 
know some
packages which need(ed) that...


 .''`.  René Engelhard -- Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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 `. `'  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | GnuPG-Key ID: 248AEB73
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