> > only linda is unhappy about non-free font in the upstream tarball
> If linda is correct about there being a non-free font in the upstream
> tarball, then you will need to repack the upstream tarball and
> document that you have done so. See the devref for how.
you've triggered the action ;-) I wrote a tiny script
(debian/repackage.sh) to be called by uscan if a new release is
available, it would tar --delete nonDFSG font and feed new tarball to
svn-upgrade. That got documented in debian/README.Debian-source and
referenced from debian/copyright. debian/watch file adjusted to call
that script instead of direct svn-upgrade

I kept the same version. Updated files are available from the same url:


Linda is happy now ;-)
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Yaroslav Halchenko              /(   )\               ICQ#: 60653192
                   Linux User    ^^-^^    [175555]

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