On 5/18/06, artefact <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> - use wormux.install and wormux-data.install files instead of
>   "dh_install -pwormux" and "dh_install -pwormux-data".
>   Matter of taste though.
Data files from upstream is moving really often and is much more simpler
for me to use the method "include all this dir excluding these files"
than listing all the files to be included.
Matter of taste...

I think you can do that with the .install files, too.

> - what is the purpose of wormux.xml?
None, it's not used. I'm removing it.

Isn't it used for manpage generation? (See my mail on [EMAIL PROTECTED])

> - check the Standards version (lintian warning)
As I don't use more recent features, it allows people to build the
package for older distros.

That is not a reason to keep an old standard version. Check the
modifications from the older version your package complies with and
upgrade to newer standards version. The debian-policy package has a
special file in which changes are explained, so you don't have to
rehash the whole policy when trying to update to newer standards

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein

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