artefact <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>- debian/compat should be 5 if you are using debhelper >4
> I would like to keep the compatibility with version 4 in order to
> provide unofficial packages for the stable dist. Of course, I could have
> 2 branches, but does it worth ?

If you don't use compat 5 features, you can stick to 4, no problem.  On
the other hand, how is your package going to get to sarge users?  I
guess through backports, and then you can build it in a sarge-backports
environment, and debhelper 5 is available there.

>>- debian/control
>>  - if your package is in the pkg-games svn repo, and sponsored by an
>>    member of that team, shouldn't the mainter set to them and you just
>>    an uploader?
> For the moment, it is not sponsored by anyone. So, you say I am the
> Uploader, aren't you the Maintainer ?

IMO Alexander was wrong here.  There's no field for sponsors.  Either
the package is team-maintained by the debian-games list (however it is
called), then the list address should be in the maintainer field, with
the people who mostly care about it (DDs or non-DDs) in the Uploaders:
Field.  Or it is maintained only by you, or you and a couple of people
without connection to such a list.  Then you should be in the Maintainer
field, and the possible others (or nobody) in the Uploaders field. 

See the Debian Policy on that.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX)

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