On Sun, Apr 09, 2006 at 03:16:50PM -0400, Justin Pryzby wrote:

> > Normally I use wget --mirror --no-parent to get the source 
> > files. So if you do your RFS, enable directory listing on 
> > your server (or in package directory), post the exact link 
> > of every file in the mail so we can mark them and use wget 
> > or upload them to http://sponsors.debian.net.
> And do whatever needs to be done so a .diff.gz shows up in my browser,
> rather than making me download it :)

Apropos http://sponsors.debian.net/ :

It seems that this service is not really used (at least by sponsors).
Looking at
shows the following data for 2006:

Packages created in 2006: 80
Packages from 2006 without sponsor: 51
Sponsored/assigned packages: 29
Packages sponsored by/assigned to Florian Ragwitz: 27
Packages sponsored by/assigned to Micah Anderson: 1
Packages sponsored by/assigned to David Moreno Garza: 1

It looks like http://sponsors.debian.net/ is a service primarily for
Florian's efforts ;-)

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 : :' :  infos zur usenet-hierarchie at.*: http://www.usenet.at/
 `. `'   member of https://www.vibe.at/ | how to reply: http://got.to/quote/
   `-    NP: The Johnny Thompson Singers: You May Look For Me

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