On Sat, Feb 25, 2006 at 11:10:03AM +0100, Michelle Konzack wrote:

> > Thanks for your hint, I didn't know clusterssh. Just checked it out
> > and it does pretty much the same (and has more options), so I close
> > the ITP for multixterm hereby.
> As I understand the description of "clusterssh" right, it open
> "xterms" with SSH sessions not plain xterm.  If I have no
> "sshd" running on the local machine, "clusterssh" won't work.

Taking a second look at both tools, I think you are right:
clusterssh opens xterms with ssh sessions, multixterm opens multiple
xterms (with whatever contents). So if you want to control several
xterms at the same time that are not ssh sessions multixterm can
handle this but clusterssh can't.
If you would like to try multixterm the packages are still available at
deb-src http://www.toastfreeware.priv.at/debian unstable/

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