On Sun, Feb 19, 2006 at 06:00:15PM +0100, Laurent wrote:
> I have looking for something in last.c file of sysvinit package 
> (sysvinit-2.86) and I found this :
> "
> else if (strncmp(ut.ut_user, "runlevel", 7) == 0)
>         ut.ut_type = RUN_LVL;
> "
> at line 720 of file.
> Is the number 7 normal ? 
> "runlevel" has a size of 8 isn't it ?
Well, yea, it does :)
> I think the correct value is 8 here...
> Can anyone confirm that ?
I can confirm that the current code doesn't make sense to me, unless
the last character of "runlevel" is there strictly for
"self-documentation" purposes, in which case I think it failed anyway

I would suggest to file a bug; either the string constant should be
"runleve" ( and/or a comment should be added), or the integer constant
should be 8.

Good eyes!

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