Frank Küster wrote:
> "Kevin B. McCarty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Out of curiosity, does quilt have a mechanism similar to dpatch that
>>allows you to treat shell scripts as "patches"?  My inability to find
>>such a feature was the main reason I opted for dpatch over quilt in the
>>Cernlib package -- I needed to move a bunch of files around within the
>>source, and doing so with a pure patch system will result in huge and
>>fragile diff files (two copies of each file to be moved, which breaks if
>>upstream changes any of them!).  But now it sounds like I'm missing out
>>on some features by not using quilt.
> I don't think that quilt offers this, at least not in a straightforward
> way.  
> Why can't you separate the moving around of files from the patching?
> patch-stamp:
>         quilt push -a
>         debian/movefilearound

I guess in principle I could, but it's nice to have the step where the
file move takes place be right next to the step where I edit the
Imakefiles (sadly, Cernlib uses imake) to suit.  E.g., this file is a
script to move some files around:


and this patch fixes the Imakefiles appropriately:


> But looking at its implementation, maybe this could easily be changed,
> just add an additional check whether the "patch" has a shebang line at
> the start, and execute it instead of calling patch.

Hmm, I will look into this when I have time and maybe file a wishlist
bug on quilt with a patch.


Kevin B. McCarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   Physics Department
WWW:    Princeton University
GPG: public key ID 4F83C751                 Princeton, NJ 08544

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