On Tue, 2006-01-24 at 16:34 +0000, Martin Meredith wrote:
> Are you still interested in sponsoring this?
 Yes, I am just a bit overloaded.

> > But why do you need libstdc++5-3.3-dev for building rar?
 You wrote that otherwise the libstdc++5 dependency would not come in
as the binary dependency. The shlibs way does not work I ACK, but the
'do nothing and it will be good' seems to be working. Ie I have dropped
the libstdc++5-3.3-dev as build-dependency, no debian/shlibs file; still
the correct runtime build dependency was created on libstdc++5 . At
least on x86, can you confirm?

> >  About unrar: I would be happier to sponsor that, because that's the way
> > rar can you away - rar creates only more archives. :-(
 Meaning: [...] because that's the way rar can _go_ away [...] .


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