I think I've found the solution.

> You either needed to specify the -f option to dh_make, as in dh_make
> -f ../libcryp...tar.gz or to manually rename the pristine upstream
> tarball to the proper .orig.tar.gz name, which this is not.

Yes, first time I've run

$ dh_make ../libcrypt-simple-perl-0.06.tar.gz

but it generates only ../libcrypt-simple-perl-0.06.orig dir

> > 2. uncompressed it and rename dir to libcrypt-simple-perl-0.06
> > 3. cd libcrypt-simple-perl-0.06
> > 4. dh-make-perl
> > I've used it since it creates a debian/rules for perl modules
> > 5. debuild
> >
> > lintian returns this:
> > W: libcrypt-simple-perl source: native-package-with-dash-version
> debuild calls dpkg-buildpackage, which couldn't find the .orig.tar.gz,
> because it wasn't called that, so it made it into a "native package",
> with no .diff.gz, and a nonpristine "orig" tarball.

I think something has changed in the deb generations scripts: what
I've understood is that dh_make at first execution generates the .orig
dir, and only dkpg-buildpackage tar & gzip it into .orig.tar.gz

What I've done this time is:

1. copy original tar.gz to libcrypt-simple-perl-0.06.tar.gz
2. expand it and rename the coming-out dir to libcrypt-simple-perl-0.06
3. $ cd libcrypt-simple-perl-0.06 ; dh_make ../libcrypt-simple-perl-0.06.tar.gz
which generates ../libcrypt-simple-perl-0.06.orig dir (I think from
the archive passed as param)
4. copy the debian dir generates from dh-make-perl (or run
dh-make-perl to create debian/rules for a perl module) and modify the
files accordingly.
5. $ debuild
and this time all right files are created, deletin .orig dir and
generation package.orig.tar.gz file.

These files are available at


of via apt, with this sources:

deb http://matrixhasu.altervista.org/debian/ ./
deb-src http://matrixhasu.altervista.org/debian/ ./

> That directory is used to create the .orig.tar.gz, though I don't
> understand why dh_make doesn't make the .orig.tar.gz initially, but
> instead creates that directory and lets dpkg-buildpackage do it.
> Anyone know why?

Interesting even to me, since in the doc from debian site it's written
dh_make generates .orig.tar.gz, and since I think that doc is for
newbie-willing-to-learn this generates a great confusion (as in my

Hope this time I've done all correct, but obviously any
correction/suggest is welcome! An a sponsorship too... ;)


Sandro Tosi (aka Morpheus, matrixhasu)
My (little) site: http://matrixhasu.altervista.org/

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