I am the upstream of switchconf and have prepared a new version to fix
3 bugs on BTS:

  * Abort execution when don't exist configuration file. Closes the bug report
    "switchconf: exit if the configuration is not found" (Closes #332916)
  * Sort the files in /etc/switchconf/{before,after}.d before execution
    (Closes #332918)
  * Corrected the args of find when listing configuration schemes. Closes
    the bug report "find: warning: you have specified the -maxdepth option
    ..." (Closes #332920)

It can be dowloaded from my homepage on

As the previous sponsor is not available for the near time, I am
asking if anyone can sponsor the new upload.

# debc
 new debian package, version 2.0.
 size 7048 bytes: control archive= 1219 bytes.
     116 bytes,     4 lines      conffiles            
     899 bytes,    22 lines      control              
    1185 bytes,    16 lines      md5sums              
 Package: switchconf
 Version: 0.0.5-1
 Section: admin
 Priority: optional
 Architecture: all
 Installed-Size: 152
 Maintainer: Jose Calhariz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Description: switch between system configuration sets
  Switchconf allows users to easily change their system's settings,
  choosing between the possible configurations for different
  Most switchconf users are laptop owners who want to change their
  network settings according to where they currently are - but there
  are many cases for non mobile systems to desire to choose between
  configuration sets.
  Switchconf is a very simple script that takes its arguments from the
  command line. It allows you to maintain different sets of
  configurations, installing the desired set of configuration when
  called with its name as an argument, and execute a pre-specified set
  of commands before and after the switch.

    José Calhariz

A honra não consiste em nunca cair, e sim levantar sempre que se cai!

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Description: Digital signature

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