On Sun, Nov 27, 2005 at 11:09:07AM +0100, Bas Wijnen wrote:

> Thank you for reporting this problem.

> Hello mentors,

> I received bug report #339387, and want to solve it in an elegant way.  The
> problem is that gnocatan-meta-server used to have an rc script to start it,
> but now it's a transitional package (and the script moved with the rest to
> pioneers-meta-server).  Appearantly not having the scripts anymore is no
> reason for dpkg to remove the symlinks.

> So I should do that by hand.  The question is how.  The bug report suggests to
> manually do it in the postinst, is that a good idea?

Yes, it is.  If the maintainer script itself is no longer present in the
package, then simply calling "update-rc.d gnocatan-meta-server remove" in
the postinst on upgrade from an affected version should be sufficient.

> I was thinking of adding an empty script so it will be removed at package
> purge.  That way I would be sure debhelper can do all its magic, and I
> would be more sure that the Right Thing(tm) is done.

Except that this is the *wrong* thing; you don't want empty scripts on the
system, you don't want symlinks for a known dead service to be left around
when upgrading to the dummy package.  Debhelper is a *helper*, not a
replacement for making sound decisions about creating proper packages.

> What is the usual way to solve this situation?

The usual solution is to not provide such dummy packages at all... :)

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   http://www.debian.org/

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