On Sat, Nov 26, 2005 at 04:53:50PM -0700, Al Stone wrote:
> What's puzzling me is this:
>    -- the original source tarball used to be acovea-4.0.0.tar.gz,
>       and I used the name acovea_4.0.0.orig.tar.gz, as is proper.


>    -- upstream has changed the name of the source tarball so that
>       it's now called 'libacovea-5.1.1.tar.gz', implying I should
>       use 'libacovea_5.1.1.orig.tar.gz'.

Not necessarily.  Upstreams do all sorts of bong-ass stuff.  Considering:

>    -- at the same time, the new source (5.1.1) provides the same
>       binaries as the old source (4.0.0),

It seems like it's reasonable for the release-as-a-whole to still be called
acovea, but to add the shared library packages as extra binary packages, as
you rightly suggest:

>       PLUS what makes sense
>       to package as 'libacovea-5.1-5*deb' (a shared library) and
>       'libacovea-dev*deb' (the development files).  Hence, it seems
>       to make sense to have the 'debian/control' file create three
>       binary packages -- acovea, libacovea, and libacovea-dev.
> So, here's the questions:
>    -- if I follow the rules, the 'control' file should also now say
>       'Source: libacovea', correct?  It seems to make sense that it
>       should.

If it were my package, I'd make the judgement call to still call the source
package acovea, name the source tarball acovea_5.1.1.orig.tar.gz, and build
the extra binary packages.

>    -- And the 'acovea' binary package now being created should Conflict/
>       Replace with older versions, correct?  This also seems to make
>       sense.

I can't think of any reason why you'd need to C/R acovea against itself --
you can't have two versions of the same package installed in any case. 
You'd probably need to C/R libacovea 5.1.1 against acovea 4.0.0, if the old
acovea binary package included the shared library (or other files which
libacovea now provides).

>    -- But, how do I properly inform the ftp masters that the old
>       'acovea' source has been replaced by the new 'libacovea' source,
>       even though both produce a binary package called 'acovea' (and
>       should do so)?  ITP the new stuff and file the bug to remove the
>       old?

Upload.  They're clever people, they'll sort it out.  If in doubt, make the
changelog nice and verbose.

- Matt

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