On Saturday 12 November 2005 12:55 pm, Christoph Haas wrote:
> The translations are... interesting. A description which refers to the real
> nature of ksudoku might have been better.

They should all come out to, basically, "Sudoku Game." The English name does 
mention that it is a solver as well. I based them on the translations from 
KSokoban... I figured it would be better to have some translations, even if 
they weren't perfect, than to have none at all.

> You will hardly believe it... your package has just been uploaded.

This has been a fast upload for me, actually. I have bad luck picking 
applications to package, they always require tinkering :- D

> One thing which I'd like to ask to to keep investigating. The menu item now
> shows up in K/Games. But it's the only games which does not appear in
> K/Games/Arcade or K/Games/BoardGames. What I mean is that all other games
> are in submenus - just ksudoku is not. I'm not sure whether the LogicGame
> category is unsupported. Since we didn't get any help here please ask in
> debian-devel. I'll upload a new revision once this is sorted out. Please
> contact me for updates.

LogicGame is, indeed, unsupported, even in the KDE in experimental. I love 
these desktop standards, there are so many to choose from... What do you 
think, should I leave it as a LogicGame and hope that this is fixed in future 
KDEs, or move it into an inaccurate category like StrategyGame (the only 
other category in KDE that is close to what Sudoku is)? I'm inclined to leave 
it in LogicGame, since I have several packages installed that already put 
their icons at K/Games.

Thanks for sponsoring!

Ryan Schultz
"vi users are mammals, and they flip out and kill people *all the time.*"

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