> Right; You can also do whatever you want to a file whose name is
> outputted by a successful invocation of mktemp, but note that this
> probably wont play nice with wget.  If fn=`mktemp`, and you wget -O
> $fn, then wget will probably call its outupt $fn.1, since $fn exists
> (as a requirement for this to be done safely way, it must be created
> before the name is outputted).

I decided to put the files in /root/ (like it was in the quake2
package). The main reason for this is that the downloads are
considerable and I can assume that users don't want to discard them as
easily as a temp file (2x around 40 MB).

AFAIK, this is also the strategy of realplayeri (when I still used
it). Maybe there is a better location for such files.

  greetz, marc
Human. It's kinda like Sebacean, but we haven't conquered other worlds
yet, so we just kick the crap out of each other.
        Crichton - PK Tech Girl
scorpius.homelinux.org #1 Fri Sep 23 07:23:21 CEST 2005 GNU/Linux

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