Unfortunately the Debian menu doesn't solve my problem because IceWM
doesn't support it. Basically the issue is that the software I'm
packaging, IceWM Control Center is strictly for IceWM and it doesn't
make sense to use it in other window managers. However, in KDE,
BlackBox, Fluxbox and Gnome I can get IceWM Control Center to appear in
the menu by using .desktop files or Debian /usr/share/menu but in IceWM
I have to edit a file /etc/X11/icewm/menu by hand and add the
application there.

Should I just forget about adding IceWM Control Center to the menu and
let the users do it themselves?

Jan Wagemakers wrote:

>Maybe <http://linux-cd.com.ar/manuales/debian-menu/ch3.html> and
><http://packages.debian.org/stable/admin/menu> is what you are looking

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