
On Sun, Nov 06, 2005 at 06:25:46PM +0100, Nico Golde wrote:
> Please provide a proper source package with .diff.gz, .dsc 
> and .orig.tar.gz.
> The .deb file is not needed.

The only problem that I had while building the package was
that the .dsc file wasn't automatically signed. I signed it
manually after dpkg-buildpackage finished its job. That's
why it has the extension .asc. Any problem? I can rename it
to .dsc, upload the renamed file, and delete the dsc.asc.

I can also upload the .orig.tar.gz, if necessary. But it has
the same md5sum of statist-1.3.1.tar.gz. I think that there
is no problem in renaming statist-1.3.1.tar.gz as
.orig.tar.gz.  But if this is not OK for any reason, I can
upload the file created by dkpg-buildpackage.

I put the .deb to allow people to download a binary while it
still isn't an official Debian package, which, I hope, it'll

Thanks for writing,


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