Hi Sune and all.

El Martes, 1 de Noviembre de 2005 13:42, Sune Vuorela escribió:
> Hi!
> I have built kommando, a kde wheel menu.
> It gives quicker access to some programs - and it is a nice piece of
> showoff-eyecandy ;)
> http://mirror.pusling.com/kommando-rfs/
> I have had people using the package for some time now - but I think it
> is a so cool program that it should enter debian.
> and of course - those picky programs, linda and lintian, do not seem to
> have any errors/warnings

It is great that finally you decided make an official package, but the package 
has some problems.

-debian/control: Your Build-Depends line is totally wrong, e.g., 
depending on libraries is almost always a bug. You can read more 
about producing correct build-depends line at [1].
Due to this, the package is totally impossible to compile in pbuilder, 
it fails.  You must change it to:

Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 3.0.0), kdelibs4-dev

-The program is a systray app, so it would be good to Recommend: kicker

-Some files are placed in incorrect directories:
should be at:

Due these misplaced files, the program help doesn't work.

should be at:
and then add to the kommando.desktop file the line:

-Add a Debian menu file (and don't forget convert the png icons to xpm).

-debian/changelog: is it necesary the "Passes lintian" line? 
I'm not sure if it is ok, keep the changelog of the package before 
this was out from the official archive.

-debian/copyright: Add the copyright years.

*Not so important, but better change:
-debian/control: I don't think you need mention "Neverwinter Nights" in 
the short description, most of people has never player this game and 
don't know what you mean. 
The short description in the ITP: "A wheel menu for kde" is better.
The long description is not very good neither, it does not explain 
what are the programs feature or why the program is useful.

-The man page doesn't have an author section or see also section 
where puts the program webpage. And the program description is too short.
Also, You should add yourself like the manpage author.

Greetings :)


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