On 16-Oct-2005, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
> Oh my god, give the guy a break!

We are. He's come here asking for feedback on his package; we're
informing him of acceptable style.

> If this offends you, then make it into policy!  Debian is not a
> police state!

Policy is also advisory. No-one is forcing anything on anyone. The
advice given here is to teach good packaging style, and maximise the
possibility of packages being accepted.

> If you like things all prim and proper, that's fine, but please
> don't impose it on others.

Again, there's no enforcement. A piece of advice was questioned;
explanations were given. I don't see anyone demanding or imposing
anything. This list is educational in nature; that's what the
"-mentors" part is all about.

 \      "I like my dental hygenist, I think she's very pretty; so when |
  `\    I go to have my teeth cleaned, while I'm in the waiting room I |
_o__)                 eat an entire box of cookies."  -- Steven Wright |

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