On Friday 16 September 2005 1:17 am, Roland Dreier wrote:
>  > + no need to call the -dbg pacakge libibverbs1, the dbg should match the
>  > exact version including SONAME of the libibverbs1 and thus can remain
>  > libibverbs-dbg
> OK, I changed the name (and also libmthca1-dbg -> libmthca-dbg)
>  > +   SONAME      libibverbs.so.1
>  > is a very challenging goal. Are you sure that all 1.x.y releases will
>  > ship the same API for each and every upcoming version of x and y? Not
>  > that this is impossible to reach, just mentioning the implications.
> I'm not sure what you mean here.  The SONAME doesn't have anything to
> do with the naming of releases, does it?

The release number of a source package is not related to the SONAME:
"Never try to set the interface numbers so that they correspond to the release 
number of your package. This is an abuse that only fosters misunderstanding 
of the purpose of library versions. Instead, use the -release flag (see 
Release numbers), but be warned that every release of your package will not 
be binary compatible with any other release."

However, the *name* of any library package should ALWAYS reflect the SONAME. 
Check the libtool manual and the Debian Library Packaging Guide:


The package name should match the shared library SONAME. It can be deduced 
with sed s/\.so\./-/ and removing “-” later when removing it will not result 
in consecutive numbers. or by using the following code snippet from Steve 
        $ objdump -p /path/to/libfoo-bar.so.1.2.3 | sed -n 
-e's/^[[:space:]]*SONAME[[:space:]]*//p' | sed -e's/\([0-9]\)\.so\./\1-/; 

SONAME                         package name
  libsome-1.2.3.so.4             libsome-1.2.3-4
  libsome-1.2.3.so              libsome-1.2.3
  libsome.so.4                     libsome4
  libsome.so                          libsome

> I am just planning on 
> bumping the SONAME to .2 if there is an incompatible change.

Then that would change the package to libibverbs2.


Neil Williams

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