> > According to the bts, there's only a RFH, not an O.  Did he forget to do 
> > this?
> I don't know if he has really orphaned it, but in the fact, he don't have time
> to maintain it and didn't found another DD to help him, only some outside 
> Debian's
> interested people like me...

It isn't orphaned, he only wants help ("RFH"). Judging from that Piotr
didn't really react to your NMU in March, there's probably a chance
that he lets you adopt the package anyway.

> > package, you can retitle it to ITA (but discuss this with him before doing
> > it).
> I'll try to recontact him to clarify his position...

Asking him can't hurt :)

> > Also write a comment in the bug report about the situation, explicitly 
> > saying
> > it shouldn't be removed, because you want to adopt it.
> I already added a comment asking for the bug reporter to check if it's 
> already present
> in the Sid (now Sarge) version, but I didn't had any answer since some 
> months...

It does compile now, the changelog should have closed the bug if the
patch was applied.


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