Hello Kilian,

On Sun, Sep 11, 2005 at 01:41:26AM +0200, Kilian Krause wrote:
> apparently config.* and parser.* as well as scanner.c are still present.
> Could you fix these please?
ok, I fixed them: http://ilcrow.altervista.org/wcalc-2.0.stuff.tar

> About the debian/copyright, i'm not entirely sure it really meets all
> the standards pointed out by
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2003/12/msg00007.html, but
> the point which disturbes me each time again is that the section
> "License:" talks about since when the copyright is held rather than the
> line above which is named "copyright holder". It's just a personal
> preference, no need to edit this if you think it's ok like is.
> What is most probably missing here is the citation of the GPL as laid
> out in that HOWTO above.
I fixed it

> > > IIRC, the only open issue was the missing manpage, right?
> > the manpage contains a warning (a long line that can't be broken)
> ok, no prob. If you could just purge debian/rules of all unneeded
> debhelper lines and fix the above disparity with the upstream tarball,
> i'll sponsor the upload.
ok :) I overrode the lintian warning and cleaned the debian/rules

> (Btw. officially you'd want an ITP against wnpp which'd be closed, but
> it's not mandantory, so no need to start opening that bug now)


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