Dear Debianizers,

I've decided to take my chances and package imagezoom extension for
mozilla (firefox and thunderbird)
which is a very nice addition to mozilla especially if you work with
images and need to zoom them from time to time to get better view on
some details. So I've made a preliminary version of a mozilla-imagezoom
package from the recent development upstream version. mozilla-nukeimage
served me as a start point.

An ITP for mozilla-imagezoom was filed a day ago.

Package (.orig, .diff, .deb) is available from

Before I start bothering my regular sponsor I've decided to seek help to
resolve some of the issues with the package (although it is lintian and
linda clean)

+ how to activate a thunderbird extension?
  I've created most of the necessary symlinks and have ran (manually for
  now) update-mozilla-thunderbird-chrome to get chrome updated, but I
  think the missing part is 

  I don't see it in the original upstream package, and this one is the
  first package of mozilla extensions. Is there a tool to extract
  relevant information from install.rdf or I need to create
  RDF:Description manually somehow?

  I would appreciate any good references about mozilla extensions system
  and especially about their debian packaging styles.
+ would be the versioning I've used appropriate or I should go directly
 to 0.2.20050126 because it is an alpha for 0.2 release?

Thank you in advance

=------------------------------   /v\  ----------------------------=
Keep in touch                    // \\     (yoh@|www.)
Yaroslav Halchenko              /(   )\               ICQ#: 60653192
                   Linux User    ^^-^^    [175555]

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