Terry Burton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Would people please examine the package and tell me what problems
> exist. You can view the files at
> http://www.terryburton.co.uk/barcodewriter/files/debiansrc

The debian/rules is very bloated, please remove everything which is not
needed and not mandated by Policy (the CFLAGS bits, for example)

> The project has no dependancies. Is it safe to remove this line from
> the control file?
> Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}

What do you need to use this PostScript thingy? There is no Debian
package without a Depends line, as you always need something else to
properly use it.

> The upstream project unpacks all files into a single directory and
> does not provide a facility for installing the files into a distro's
> file system hierarchy. For the Debian package I have created a
> Makefile that accomplishes his via the install target.

You don't need that, you can use dh_install in debian/rules.

> Debian Policy mandates that programs have a manpage. Since this is a
> PostScript resource (similar to a shared library) does this rule still
> apply. If so then I'm not sure what the content of such a manpage
> ought to be.

There should be some documentation, not necessarily as man page.

> The project is platform independant as specified in the control file.

No, you didn't. Please look up the difference between Arch: any and
Arch: all.

BOFH #348:
We're on Token Ring, and it looks like the token got loose.

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