On 16-Aug-2005, Dirk Nolting wrote:
> During my PhD thesis I started to develop a program to calculate the
> isotopic distribution of a molecule. AFAIK there is no program
> within debian to do this. Therefore I would like to contribute this
> program to debian.


You may want to investigate packaging the software and making it
available from some of your own web space, then contacting others who
may be interested in the software to ask them to look at it.

That way, you'll get valuable experience both in providing packaged
software for others to use, and specifically packaging Debian

You can continue to ask here about the Debian packaging specifics (or,
heck, about other aspects of software packaging also).

> I'm not sure what you think about people contributing their own
> software or about such a program which is only of use for a small
> group of users. So would it make sense to contribute a debian
> package and if yes how to proceed best?

The best test is if everyone in the chain can remain interested in the
software: the author (you), the Debian package maintainer (also you),
the developer who uploads the software to Debian (find out who that
might be after you've got some Debian packages), and your users.

You can find users immediately, if you think the software may already
be useful to someone. That will let you start gauging their interest,
and yours, in the software package.

Once you've done that, you can start asking (here) for a sponsor to
upload the package into Debian.

 \          "I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate |
  `\          those who do. And for the people who like country music, |
_o__)                     denigrate means 'put down'."  -- Bob Newhart |

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