On Sat, Aug 06, 2005 at 10:59:08PM +0100, Andrew Saunders wrote:
> > In the meantime I've found something about the copyrighted files from sun.
> > Actually these files are part of the official j2sdk! The contens of
> > win/include seems to be just a copy of my /usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun/include.
> > But I have no idea how to treat this information. Does this mean, that
> > these files can be treated like our gifs, or do they block a distribution
> > into debian?
> In order to distribute any part of Sun's j2sdk you have to agree that
> "(iii) you do not distribute additional software intended to replace
> any component(s) of the Software". Since Debian distributes and
> encourages free replacements such as Kaffe, GCJ and SableVM, no part
> of j2sdk can be distributed by the Project at all, even from non-free.

Last I checked you can't distribute parts of Sun's java anyway, only
the *precise* installer files provided by Sun. You're not even allowed
to stuff the installer inside a .deb package. Blackdown had to get
explicit permission from Sun to distribute their version.

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
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