On Monday 18 July 2005 11:12 pm, you wrote:
> >FWIW, I would not touch SNEeSe or any fragment derived from it with a
> >ten-foot pole unless they can tell you where sneese.dat came from and
> >what's in it.
> Well file(1) said it is an allegro datafile, so I apt-get'ed liballegro-dev
> and try extracting it using 'dat -x SNEESE.DAT *'.
> It contains two images. One is the startup screen the other is the image of
> a joypad used presumably in keyboard setup.
> Ryan, unless there are other legal issues I think it is safe to proceed.

(resending to the lists, whoops)

Yes, just a few hours ago I got a response from upstream saying the same 
thing, using almost exactly the same process too :- )  Not sure how some 
images got confused with a core from another emulator.

Ryan Schultz
-> floating point exception: divide by cucumber

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