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Jose Carlos do Nascimento <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I thought to be a mantainer I just must know debian-policy,  how to
> create Debian package,, how to create docs,etc .
> I read many Debian Docs,  and I didnt read anything about people must
> be C, python, php ,etc  developer.

Being a maintainer is more than knowing good packaging practices.  If
you aren't able to dive into the source and tinker with it, you won't
be able to investigate user bug reports and patch them, evaluate
patches others provide, selectively include upstream changes to fix
bugs, deal with security issues, etc..  If you can't hack on the
source, you can only do ΒΌ of what the job requires.  What if a porter
reports a platform-specific bug, and it requires you to investigate
and patch it?

If you can't understand what you are packaging, you shouldn't be
packaging it, IMHO.

- -- 
Roger Leigh
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