On Thu, Jul 14, 2005 at 01:25:24AM -0400, kamaraju kusumanchi wrote:
> I am trying to package fortranposix library. I produced some debian 
> packages but I am not satisfied with their quality. For example, when I do

> $lintian -i libfortranposix0_0.1-1_i386.deb
> E: libfortranposix0: ldconfig-symlink-missing-for-shlib 
> usr/lib/libfortranposix.so.0 usr/lib/libfortranposix.so.0.0.0 
> libfortranposix.so.0
> N:
> N:   The package should not only include the shared library itself, but
> N:   also the symbolic link which ldconfig would produce. (This is
> N:   necessary, so that the link gets removed by dpkg automatically when
> N:   the package gets removed.) If the symlink is in the package, check
> N:   that the SONAME of the library matches the info in the shlibs file.
> N:
> N:   Refer to Policy Manual, section 8.1 for details.
> N:

> I thought ldconfig automatically creates the necessary symbolic links 
> provided the postinst, postrm scripts invoke ldconfig properly.

Please see Policy section 8.1.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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