
I'm searching for a sponsor for my LMMS package. LMMS
(http://lmms.sf.net) is a kind of sound synthesizer written in C++.
Here's the package description:

 LMMS aims to be a free alternative to popular (but commercial and
 closed-source) programs such as FruityLoops, Cubase and Logic. LMMS combines
 the features of a tracker/sequencer-program
 (pattern-/channel-/sample-/song-/effect-management) and those of powerful
 synthesizers in a modern, user-friendly and easy to use graphical
 user-interface. Although Techno/Trance is the music that can be written with
 LMMS best, you can write your own music of any genre, because it's no problem
 to use your own samples or just the typical wave-shape of an instrument. Of
 course there're (let's better say "will be"!) many effects, you can apply to
 your instruments/channels, like reverb, delay, distortion and many more.

The packages can be found here: 


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