"Ilya M. Slepnev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:

> Hi!
> I'd like to become a DD... Can anybody sponsor me?

You might be mixing things up, or just words. To become a DD, you need
an *advocate*. To maintain packages in Debian as a non-DD, you need a
sponsor - and most people are sponsored maintainers for a while before
applying to become a DD (and often one of their sponsors is their
advocate, then).

> So, here is a small,
> but very usefull package. You see, it is very useful for
> russian-speaking people to read documentation in there native language.
> If there is emacs-manual-ja, then why can't it be emacs-manual-ru?

Great! I won't sponsor it, because I couldn't even read it - maybe the
debian-l10n-russian mailing list is a good place to find a sponsor.

> It was marked as bug #188311 in wnpp. It can be downloaded at:
>  http://kastalia.cs.msu.su/debian/emacs-manual-ru_20.7-1_i386.deb

You have to provide the orig.tar.gz, diff.gz and dsc files, in order to
allow possible sponsors to review the package.

> Upstream source is available at:
>  http://sourceforge.net/projects/gnu-doc-ru/
> The package is, surely, distributed under GPL, more information about
> this wonderfull package is available at:

This is very interesting from a legal point of view. The english Emacs
manual is under GFDL which is non-free, at least in its current
version. Do you, or does anybody know how the FSF came to allow the
translation to be licensed under GPL? There's no information on that in
the tarball.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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