On Wed, Sep 22, 2004 at 02:46:08PM -0400, Lee Aylward wrote:
> I noticed that Liferea had recently been orphaned, and that there is a
> new upstream version. I packaged the new version (0.6.0), which can be
> found on my repository at http://laylward.com/debian/
> deb http://laylward.com/debian/ unstable/
> deb-src http://laylward.com/debian/ unstable/
> This is my first attempt at creating an official package, so I may have
> missed a step or two (though I followed the steps mentioned in the New
> Package Maintainers Guide).

After really short looking at it I've got some questions:

1) If you intend to adopt this package then you have to retitle orphanage
   bug to ITA: and change owner to you.
   #272165 & http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/#l3

2) Also (connected with above) if you intend to adopt it, then you should
   make some changes to copyright file. Write there that you're the
   maintainer of it, and list previous maintainers.

3) How did you get so big .diff file?
   -rw-r--r--  1 fenio fenio 88633 2004-09-22 20:28 liferea_0.6.0-1.diff.gz
   -rw-r--r--  1 fenio fenio  5672 2004-08-31 20:32 liferea_0.5.3b-2.diff.gz

3) Did you checked if this new version fixes some outstanding bugs?

4) linda and lintian complain about missing manual page
   Seems that simple symlink to from liferea.1 to liferea-bin.1 should be
   enough to fix it.

That's everything now ;)
And don't count on me with possible sponsoring cause I'm not DD yet.


      _      Bartosz Fenski | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | pgp:0x13fefc40 | 
    _|_|_     32-050 Skawina - Glowackiego 3/15 - w. malopolskie - Polska
    (0 0)          phone:+48602383548 | Slackware - the weakest link
ooO--(_)--Ooo  http://skawina.eu.org | JID:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | RLU:172001

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