Hi all,

I've talked to the current maintainer of the Supybot package (a Python
IRC bot) and he has agreed to let me take over as maintainer for the
package.  I'm one of the upstream authors and currently have more time
on my hands then he to handle the maintenance.  I've started the NM
process, but it will be a while until that is finished.  I'd like to
get this package uploaded soon (hopefully in time for Sarge) as there
are some serious problems with the version that's currently in Debian.
 If you're interested in sponsoring, my packages are available at:
deb http://archangel.homelinux.com/~jamessan/debian unstable/
deb-src http://archangel.homelinux.com/~jamessan/debian unstable/
The upstream website is http://supybot.sourceforge.net/.



GPG Key: 1024D/61326D40 2003-09-02 James Vega <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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