I am looking for a sponsor for QTorrent. It is a PyQt GUI for BitTorrent and allows easy configuration and allows multiple torrents to be open from within a single application.

Here is the relevant information

package: qtorrent
Upstream URL: http://thegraveyard.org
Upstream Author: Hyriand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Debian URL: http://www.angelfire.com/linux/debian_1/qtorrent.tar.gz

Unlike the bittorrent package currently in Debian, QTorrent uses Python and the QT widgets to create a clean interface. QTorrent includes the experimental client by TheSHAD0W, with useful features such as upload rate limiting, and handles multiple torrents in one window, reducing desktop clutter.

The package is pbuilder and lintian clean and is buildable against Debian's default python version.

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