I'm interested in being a Debian package maintainer and am looking for a mentor. I agree to uphold the Debian Social Contract as I engage in maintainer activities.
I've package-ized bsdiff (http://www.daemonology.net/bsdiff/) after reading the Debian new maintainer's guide and going through the new maintainer's checklist. I have used Debian since 1995. It is my primary OS and I have it installed on most all the machines I use/own. I've been wanting to help out for some time and have finally gotten around to it. The bsdiff package for i386 and the rest of the directory tree related to it is available at: http://www.nosneros.net/hso/debian/bsdiff/ My pgp key fingerprint is 0xBD2CA251 and other pertinent information about it can be found at: http://www.nosneros.net/hso/crypto_keys/ It's one degree of separation from PRZ via John Callas, who is currently the CTO of PGP and main author of RFC 2440. If there are any Debian maintainers in the San Francisco Bay Area, I can get together with one or more of them to get my key introduced into the Debian portion of the WOT. A little background on me: I've been involved in information technology for about ten years, now, the last seven of which have been focused on security. At various times in my career I've had work experience that has allowed me to dabble in networking, system administration, and development. When I'm not at work, technical activities include experimenting and learning more about various technological bits, hanging out with friends and family, and spending time de-coupled from the silicon based beasts. I occasionally write articles for Security Focus and am a member of The Shmoo Group. Regards, Holt