On Sun, 2004-08-29 at 20:20, Dirk Prösdorf wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm looking for a sponsor for the unrar-nonfree. 


> The Debian packages can
> you find on http://www.proesdorf.de/uploads/unace-nonfree/.
> Some infos about this package. There is a free version of unace in
> Debian but this version 1.2b don't support newer ACE archives (the same
> like unrar and unrar-nonfree). The upstream company only supports the
> decompressing of newer archives with a static linked binary. So I've
> build a Debian packages from this binary.

I find it peculiar that your .orig.tar.gz doesn't contain anything but
the two files, but I checked upstream and they indeed only distributed
those two. Odd of them not to place at least a license document with it.
Chris Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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