On Sunday 22 August 2004 09:45, Mark Hymers wrote:
> On Sun, 22, Aug, 2004 at 09:17:09AM -0600, Wesley J Landaker spoke
> thus..
> > A couple copyright things:
> >
> > The debian/copyright lists the upstream authors, but doesn't give
> > any copyright declaration:
> OK.  I've added this to the file (based on a grep of the source): 
> will it do?
> Copyright (C) 1999-2004 C. Barth Netterfield and others

Yes, that seems reasonable to me. =)

> > Also, AUTHORS also includes "Rick Chern
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>", which is not listed in
> > debian/copyright.
> Whoops - that must have been added between 0.97 and 0.99.  Added to
> debian/copyright.

Okay, great. 

> > Anyway, not that you probably need to list them all, but I might
> > suggest listing at least all those in the AUTHORS file, and then
> > noting that there are others besides those listed--this seems to be
> > the common practice for packages that have many authors. =)
> I've added this to the copyright file:
> =======
> As well as these principle authors, there have been contributions
> from several other people and organisations.  These are listed in the
> source files.
> =======

Sounds good to me!

> Thanks for your comments.  Would you be willing and able to sponsor
> the package?

I didn't immediately see anything else wrong with the package. Of course 
I'd like to be able to build and test it in sid. ;)

I'm willing to sponsor it once I can get it to build cleanly. That might 
mean waiting a bit for some of the kde dependancies to trickle into 
unstable, but if you drop me a reminder to try again, I'll give it 
another look over and help you get it uploaded.

Wesley J. Landaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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