On Fri, 23 Jul 2004, MiguelGea wrote:

> Before packaging fpdf I talked with the author about this, and he told
> me to read FAQ#1:
> 1. What's exactly the license of FPDF? Are there any usage restrictions?
> FPDF is Freeware (it is stated at the beginning of the source file).

"Freeware" is not a free software license.

> There is no usage restriction. You may embed it freely in your
> application (commercial or not), with or without modification. You may
> redistribute it, too.

May it be redistributed *after* being modified? A well written
non-copyleft license should not need a FAQ to clarify it. Can you
suggest the author to use a simple BSD-like license if it fits his
idea of "freeware"? It would make life easier to everybody.

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