#include <hallo.h>
* Florian Ernst [Wed, Jul 14 2004, 01:09:44PM]:

> My packaging (lintian / linda clean, built in an up-to-date pbuilder
> chroot) can be found at <http://ernst.uni-hd.de/debian/tree>, upstream
> is at <http://mama.indstate.edu/users/ice/tree/>.
> Any comments are welcome!

At the first glance it looks quite acceptable for me except of one minor

-static char *hversion= "tree v1.4b1 \251 1996 - 2002 by Steve Baker and Thomas 
-<BR>HTML output hacked and copyleft \251 1998 by Francesc Rocher\n\
-<BR>This software is experimental. Send commends and/or\n\
+static char *hversion= "tree v1.4b1 \251 1996 - 2002 by Steve Baker and Thomas 
+<BR>HTML output hacked and copyleft \251 1998 by Francesc Rocher\
+<BR>This software is experimental. Send commends and/or

Mir träumte eine Herde von Leithammeln. Sie trieben, jeder mit einem
anders gestimmten Glöcklein. Und hinter ihnen kein einziges Schaf.
                -- Stanislaw Jerzy Lec (eig. S. J. de Tusch-Letz)

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